Wet Crawl Space and Basement Moisture Specialists
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Serving the Entire Bay Area  415-884-0500

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The Most Trusted Moisture Experts in the Bay Area

Don’t be fooled by the competition:

  • We are the first company to offer CleanSpace products and services in Northern CA.
  • We are the #3 dealer in the nation (2009-2010).
  • We have an A+ Rating with the BBB.

Build It Green Build It Green is a membership supported non-profit organization whose mission is to promote healthy, energy- and resource-efficient homes in California.

Established in 2003, they offer a comprehensive package of local government support, professional training, collaboration forums, consumer education, and green product marketing to a range of stakeholders.

Build It Green’s program development strategy has been to incubate good ideas in the San Francisco Bay Area and then expand them statewide, helping to establish California as a role model to other states and the nation for developing pragmatic solutions to environmental challenges. We strive to design our programs to have wide-reaching policy impacts that can positively impact many Californians.

For more information visit builditgreen.org.

© 2024 Bay Area Moisture Control, Inc.